Chemotherapy can be used to treat different types of cancers, but not all chemotherapy is the same. In fact – there are even different ways to receive chemotherapy.

When it comes to chemotherapy, patients may have a lot of questions, and in some cases, misconceptions of what they should expect to experience. For example, one common misconception is that if a patient doesn’t lose their hair, it’s not working. Hair loss is not always a side effect of chemotherapy.

Learn more about other common misconceptions patients may have about chemotherapy.

About Cancer Treatment Centers of America®
Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (CTCA) is a national network of five hospitals that serves adult patients who are fighting cancer. CTCA® offers an integrative approach to care that combines advancements in genomic testing and precision cancer treatment, surgery, radiation, immunotherapy and chemotherapy, with evidence-informed supportive therapies designed to help patients physically and emotionally by enhancing their quality of life while managing side effects both during and after treatment.  Stay up to date on all things CTCA! Be sure to follow them on FacebookInstagramTwitterPinterest and YouTube or call the VIP Line at 1-800-227-3207 for more information.
