Jason Alexander's Annual Celebrity Poker Tournament

It was a FULL HOUSE and the chips were stacked high at last year’s Jason Alexander Celebrity Poker Tournament.  You could feel the excitement when our special guest hosts, Bryan Cranston & Kevin Pollak joined the stage and ceremoniously kicked off the tournament calling out “Shuffle Up & Deal!”  After hours of thrilling game play, our 2024 Champion Rich Gardner was awarded his 1st Place trophy and title!  Our runner-up, Wendy Jaffe Pressman proved to be a fierce competitor.  History was also made when FIVE female players secured seats this year at the Final Table.  Together, we raised over $150,000! Your support allows us to continue to provide free services and programs to cancer patients, survivors, and their loved ones.  Let’s do it again in 2025!

Bryan Cranston & Kevin Pollak kicking off the Tournament by Stanley Appleman
The Tournament Champion, Rich Gardner and runner-up, Wendy Jaffe Pressman. Pictured with Co-Chairs, Jay Moriarty (far left) and Arthur Toretzky (far right) by Stanley Appleman.
The Final Table - Standing: Joseph Friedman-4th, Louis Ablia-5th, Rich Gardner-Tournament Champion, Matthew Habermann-6th, Vijay Cruz-7th. Seated: Kelly Shemtov-10th, Wendy Jaffe Pressman-2nd, Marilyn Kastner- 8th, Gina Hecht-3rd, Sharyl Allensworth-9th by Stanley Appleman
Anita Rich, Norman Chad and Rob Riggle react to spotting a rarely seen Royal Flush, the Best Hand in Poker! 10, J, Q, K, A of diamonds on board.