It was a FULL HOUSE and the chips were stacked high at last year’s Jason Alexander Celebrity Poker Tournament. You could feel the excitement when our special guest hosts, Bryan Cranston & Kevin Pollak joined the stage and ceremoniously kicked off the tournament calling out “Shuffle Up & Deal!” After hours of thrilling game play, our 2024 Champion Rich Gardner was awarded his 1st Place trophy and title! Our runner-up, Wendy Jaffe Pressman proved to be a fierce competitor. History was also made when FIVE female players secured seats this year at the Final Table. Together, we raised over $150,000! Your support allows us to continue to provide free services and programs to cancer patients, survivors, and their loved ones. Let’s do it again in 2025!
Jason Alexander's Annual Celebrity Poker Tournament

Bryan Cranston & Kevin Pollak kicking off the Tournament by Stanley Appleman

The Tournament Champion, Rich Gardner and runner-up, Wendy Jaffe Pressman. Pictured with Co-Chairs, Jay Moriarty (far left) and Arthur Toretzky (far right) by Stanley Appleman.

The Final Table - Standing: Joseph Friedman-4th, Louis Ablia-5th, Rich Gardner-Tournament Champion, Matthew Habermann-6th, Vijay Cruz-7th. Seated: Kelly Shemtov-10th, Wendy Jaffe Pressman-2nd, Marilyn Kastner- 8th, Gina Hecht-3rd, Sharyl Allensworth-9th by Stanley Appleman

Anita Rich, Norman Chad and Rob Riggle react to spotting a rarely seen Royal Flush, the Best Hand in Poker! 10, J, Q, K, A of diamonds on board.