1-800-333-4636 (SSI & Medicaid)

Nat’l Cancer Institute Government-sponsored programs as well as services supported by nonprofit, national organizations are available for people who do not have health insurance and for those who have insurance but still need financial assistance to cover health care costs. Cancer patients and their families should discuss any concerns about health care costs with their doctor, medical social worker, or the business office of their hospital or clinic.

Beckstrand Cancer Foundation Through three important programs – Individual Patient Assistance (IPA), Psychosocial Pediatric Program and BELIEVE –serves patients who are in the midst of cancer treatment and struggling to cope with day-to-day critical survival needs. IPA requires local residence and matches patients to existing clinical programs.

• Medical co-payments & health insurance premiums • Prescription reimbursement • Rent & mortgage assistance • Utilities • Auto payments & insurance

Breast Cancer Angels FOOD PROGRAM Breast Cancer Angels provides gift cards to the market of the clients’ choice; the dollar amount depends on family size and need (average of $250 per family per month). The current need is $18,000 monthly. HOUSING NEEDS Breast Cancer Angels assists with emergency housing costs. We may pay the security deposit and the first months rent to assist women who have become homeless due to breast cancer treatment. We are also the only group that assists with monthly (up to $500 per month) housing costs for women in treatment for long-term metastatic breast cancer. Our goal is to keep women from being homeless and alone while they fight their breast cancer battle. MEDICAL CO-PAYS & COBRA COSTS We provide this aid as needed. We do not want to see women lose their insurance in the middle of treatment or not be able to get their prescriptions filled. HOME HEALTH CARE & FINAL EXPENSE We pay for short-term home health care as needed. We also assist with final expenses. SECOND OPINION FUND Jerry & Patti Walsh established a Second Opinion Fund with us, in memory of their daughter, Dayna. We have assisted 18 women in getting an expert second opinion, which improves their chance of survival. SOCIAL WORKER Breast Cancer Angels has a paid social worker who helps our clients find other resources. She also makes home visits to assess client needs. LEGAL ASSISTANCE We now have a pro bono attorney to assist our clients with custody and other legal issues.

Patient Advocate Foundation Insuring equal access to health care for everyone. 800/532-5274 Also, PAF Co-Pay Relief 866-512-3861 Patient Advocate Foundation, please call 1-800-532-5274 or visit our Web site at or for Co-pay Relief information, call 1-866-512-3861 or e-mail

Talbert Family Foundation For families with kids only. TFF programs are designed for families with short term financial needs caused by a catastrophic illness that impacts the family’s financial stability. Families are accepted into the program on the condition of their willingness to conduct a fundraising campaign. Grants: 818-715-0428

The HealthWell Foundation® Committed to addressing the needs of individuals with insurance who cannot afford their copayments, coinsurance, and premiums for important medical treatments. Our vision is to ensure that no patient goes without health care because they cannot afford it. (800) 675-8416 Jewish Free Loan

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Co-Pay Assistance Program for CML Voice Toll Free: 877-LLS-COPAY (877) 557-2672 Fax Toll Free: 877-COPAY-FAX (877) 267-2932

Borrowers must be permanent residents of Southern California. In addition, borrowers must have a current California ID or drivers license, have legal residency status (no VISAs) and are required to live at least 6 months in the area to qualify as a permanent resident. “Free loan” means interest free. There are no fees or charges. You repay the amount you borrowed. Maximum loan amt is $3,000.

CancerCare Assist® We provide limited grants for certain expenses related to treatment. In order to qualify, you need to provide CancerCare with information about your income, savings and expenses, and in some cases provide invoices for the cost of service. Your healthcare professional must also provide information on your cancer. Download our financial assistance application in English or en español . Please be aware that our grants are not for basic living expenses such as rent, mortgages, utility payments or food. If this is the kind of assistance you need, please call or visit your local United Way for information on local resources that can help. Please contact CancerCare at 1-800-813-HOPE (4673) for more information.

Breast Cancer

  • AVONCares: Limited financial assistance for homecare, childcare and transportation. A program in partnership with the Avon Foundation.
  • Linking A.R.M.S.™: Limited financial assistance for hormonal and oral chemotherapy, pain and anti-nausea medication, lymphedema supplies and durable medical equipment. A program in partnership with the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

All Cancers (excluding the above)

Limited financial assistance for men and women for homecare, childcare, transportation, and pain medication. Includes the Touching Hearts program funded by the Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation and San Diego area assistance funded by the WebMD Foundation.

Rise Above It (RAI) RAI provides financial assistance and clinical trials information to Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) cancer patients.

Children (ages 18 and under; all cancers)

Limited financial assistance for homecare, childcare, transportation, medication and copays. This program has been funded by many generous individual donors.

In Home Support Services Program that pays for in-home help for Medicare/MediCal? Charlotte Slater (213) 744-3300 or Rebecca Brooks (Deputy Regional Serv Admin) (310)216-2292

Tax prep

VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Porgram) through CSUN 818-677-4519

Single Mothers Grants a site that helps financially disadvantaged families with finding assistance programs. Our directory lists assistance programs that help with utility, energy, mortgage, rent, medication, education and medical bills.
