Click the support group name below for a full description.

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In Treatment Support Group

Wednesdays at 2:30 PM
With Anita Langer, LMFT

This group is designed for people diagnosed with cancer who are in any stage of treatment. This includes people with impending surgery and those undergoing radiation and/or chemotherapy. This group provides a warm and safe environment and focuses on issues such as medical treatment, clinical trials, fear and anxiety, and familial relationships.

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Post Treatment Support Group

Thursdays at 12:00 PM
with Leila Costa, LMFT & Alice Sislian, LMFT

This group is designed to meet the needs of cancer patients who have completed their treatment. Topics addressed concern how the cancer diagnoses has affected all areas of one’s life. Some of the areas discussed are fear of recurrence, familial relationships, intimacy and sexuality, body image, career, finances, and medical issues. Overall this group focuses on how to better adjust to life after cancer.

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OnGoing Treatment Support Group

Thursdays at 10:30 AM
With Leila Costa, LMFT

This nurturing group focuses on issues relevant to those with a metastatic, advanced diagnosis of cancer such as how to be a better advocate as well as enhance the quality of one’s life. Other issues discussed are body image, familial concerns, symptom management, pain control, anticipatory grief, and anxiety.

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Caregivers Support Group

Tuesdays at 6:30 PM
With Anita Langer, LMFT

This supportive environment is perfect for anyone affected by a loved one’s cancer diagnosis. The group is both educational and encouraging in nature. It provides a venue for caregivers to vent their frustrations and seek support from others in a similar situation. Anticipatory grief, intimacy issues, and other familial concerns are discussed.

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Spouse and Partner Grief Group

Wednesdays at 6 PM
With Judy Waters, LMFT

This co-ed support group for spouses and life partners provides a safe place for people who have lost their loved one to cancer. In the company of others who are going through similar loss, we can find understanding and hope which eases the pain of losing a loved one. Please join us for this unique and healing workshop.

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Family Member Grief Group

Tuesdays at 6:00 PM
With Alice Sislian, LMFT

This support group is for people who have lost a family member (other than a spouse or partner) or friend to cancer. By discussing fears, anxieties and the loneliness of loss, one can find hope and acceptance. In the company of others who are going through similar loss, we can find understanding which eases the pain of losing a loved one.

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Doing Cancer Solo: Singles Support Group

Thursdays at 5:00 PM
With Maria Mujica, LMFT

This is a group for anyone who feels like they are facing cancer alone- either without the support of a partner, or a family. We will share tools and strategies that help to differentiate between feelings and circumstances, while helping to deepen connections to ourselves and creating community.

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weeSPARK Children’s Support Group

Mondays at 4:00 PM
With Joanna Gillis, LCSW

For Kids and “Tweens” ages 4-12 who have a loved one with cancer or who have lost a loved one to cancer. Our “wee” SPARK program was created for fun and activities (Karate, Cooking, Arts and Crafts) while allowing kids to interact with each other who are experiencing similar challenges.

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Teen Support Group

Mondays at 6:00 PM
With Joanna Gillis, LCSW

Do you have a loved one with cancer or have lost a loved one to cancer? weSPARK is here for you. Come connect with other teens facing similar challenges, fears, and frustrations. Be part of a positive, collaborative group and share your experiences with others who truly understand.

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Men’s Cancer Support Group

Thursdays at 1:30 PM
With Steve Lottenberg, M.D. PsyD

Led by a physician and therapist, this group is for men in all stages of a cancer diagnosis, treatment, or after treatment. Learn strategies for coping with diagnosis, side effects from treatment, fear and anxiety and familial relationships.

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Young Adult Support Group

Thursdays at 7 PM
With Maria Mujica, LMFT

Young Adult groups are for young adult cancer patients, ages 18-39. If you are going through treatment or are post treatment, this is the group for you. Join weSPARK and i’m too young for this! as we offer a space where you can connect with other young adults facing similar issues.

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Platicas en Español: Grupo de Apoyo

Viernes a las 11:00 AM
Con Jessica Torres, LMFT

Usted no está solo, venga y hable con otras familias en la comunidad hispana que también están pasando por lo mismo. Venga con preguntas. Obtenga recursos. Pacientes con cáncer, miembros de la familia, y cuidadores. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!

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