Making the best choices for our health can be hard. We sometimes make lifestyle choices that may put us at a higher risk for some cancers, such as smoking or a poor diet. Safeguarding our health includes monitoring our bodies for possible symptoms of illness.

There are 10 important cancer signs that are often overlooked. These issues are misidentified because they can be easily attributed to other health issues. The key is knowing when to advocate for yourself and ask your doctor to take a closer look at what may be causing those symptoms.

Read more about the 10 symptoms and what they can signal.

About Cancer Treatment Centers of America®
Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (CTCA) is a national network of five hospitals that serves adult patients who are fighting cancer. CTCA® offers an integrative approach to care that combines advancements in genomic testing and precision cancer treatment, surgery, radiation, immunotherapy and chemotherapy, with evidence-informed supportive therapies designed to help patients physically and emotionally by enhancing their quality of life while managing side effects both during and after treatment.  Stay up to date on all things CTCA!

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