Feeling Stress? Try This

April is National Stress Awareness Month, and it spotlights the negative impact of stress. Managing stress is an essential component of wellness for everyone, but it is crucial for cancer patients. We’ve included a roundup of our top three favorite ways to help manage stress. 

  1. Controlled breathing is an easy way to reduce stress and anxiety immediately. Consciously changing your breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system, slowing your heart rate and helping your body feel calm. Try it here.
  2. Reiki helps reduce stress and create a positive mental state. Ready to try it? Read more here to see a set of videos with Brian Kukan.
  3. Guided Imagery is a relaxation tool that helps ease stress and promote peace and tranquility during stressful times. Read more here for a 20-minute journey with Cheryl O’Neil.

If you have tried any of these stress-reducing ways, let us know what you think.
