Conciencia del Cáncer Ginecológico

Únase a Caitlin L. Gomez para una discusión informativa sobre los cánceres ginecológicos, otro cáncer de conciencia para septiembre. La Dra. Gomez aporta una perspectiva única a su trabajo como oncóloga radioterapeuta de City of Hope. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de hacer preguntas. Asegúrese de registrarse para recibir el enlace.

Event Series Dance from the Heart Class Series

Dance from the Heart Class Series

with Azucena Ortiz Join us for Dance  the Heart class with Azucena Ortiz from Critical Mass Dance Company in January 2022. Dance from the Heart is a trauma-informed healing movement practice that helps participants connect with their bodies, reduce stress and chronic pain. This class is a limited fourth-week series. Registration is required to participate...

Event Series Dance from the Heart Class Series

Dance from the Heart Class Series

with Azucena Ortiz Join us for Dance  the Heart class with Azucena Ortiz from Critical Mass Dance Company in January 2022. Dance from the Heart is a trauma-informed healing movement practice that helps participants connect with their bodies, reduce stress and chronic pain. This class is a limited fourth-week series. Registration is required to participate...

Una Tarde de Lotería

with Juan Napoles Únase a nosotros para una tarde de diversión y conversación. Tómese un tiempo para unirse a nuestra comunidad en una actividad social. El espacio es limitado y es necesario registrarse para recibir el enlace de Zoom.

Event Series Dance from the Heart Class Series

Dance from the Heart Class Series

with Azucena Ortiz Join us for Dance  the Heart class with Azucena Ortiz from Critical Mass Dance Company in January 2022. Dance from the Heart is a trauma-informed healing movement practice that helps participants connect with their bodies, reduce stress and chronic pain. This class is a limited fourth-week series. Registration is required to participate...

Game Night: Young Adult & The Real Talk Mashup

Don't miss this special event. Join Juan and Jaime for a very special Game Night just for The Real Talk, teen program, and our Young Adult Support Group. Please register now to save your spot today.

Charla Sobre el Cáncer de Mama

Únase a Caitlin L. Gomez, M.D de City of Hope para una charla informativa sobre la concientización sobre el cáncer de mama. La Dra. Gómez, profesora clínico adjunto del Departamento de Oncología Radioterápica, proporcionará información fundamental sobre la salud de los senos y lo que debe saber sobre el cáncer de seno. Los participantes tendrán...

Art Therapy Workshop

Please join Jessica for an evening to let creativity flow while having fun and connecting to our community. In October, we take time to explore our identity and find different aspects of ourselves. Participants will have the opportunity to create masks. Supplies are available. Space is limited, so please register now to reserve your spot...

Event Series Art Therapy Workshop

Art Therapy Workshop

Art Therapy Workshop with Jessica Torres Monday at 5 PM Join Jessica to create personal strength-based shields in June. Participants are encouraged to attend and discover what makes them strong and unique.   Space is limited, so please save your spot today for this healing workshop.
