Caregivers Support Group
Tuesdays at 6 PM
Tuesdays at 6 PM
Last Monday of the month at 11 AM
RSVP Required
Ed Sullivan leads this class that combines exercises and powerful meditations to help restore and maintain health and wellness. This weekly practice helps reduce fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, and numbness...
Tuesdays at 10 AM
Tuesdays at 6 PM
With Jaime Allen
Tuesdays at 6 PM
This supportive environment is perfect for anyone affected by a loved one’s cancer diagnosis. The group is both educational and encouraging in nature. It provides a venue for caregivers to...
In-person Format Join Michelle Rappaport for yoga in person at our center. This is a gentle class for all levels, for all people in all phases of their cancer journey....
Wednesdays at 12:15 PM
Join Raminderpreet Elisa for a weekly afternoon of movement, breathing and stretches with cancer patients in mind. Yoga eases the side effects of treatment, improves sleep and fatigue. Patients, survivors,...